16 décembre, 2004

It Burns A Hole Through Anyone Who Feels It

Yeah, sis, that's one ass-kicking comp you made me. Might be a contender for Best Comp Cd Ever Made.

I'm killing time before I go to my Xmas/birthday/end-of quarter bash at my friend's house in a couple hours. I put myself in charge of making a comp cd of "christmasy music" which I debated making out of that South Park rendition of O Holy Night to the exclusion of all other songs, but even though I tear up laughing each and every time I hear that song, I bet my friends were wanting something more along the lines of sarah macklaucklin (sic). Sigh. So i'm still putting the Cartman song on there, but it's going to be buffered by some really sappy ass carols that they are all sure to like.

Keith had a job interview today. In Maryland. And he totally got the job. Round of applause for one more person getting the fuck out of Indiana.

I've destroyed the living room (like a chihuahua can destory a bathroom) with my packing. I forgot that I let Jenny take my biggest suitcase home with her when she was here. Whoops. I might have to check more than one bag. More likely, though, I will resort to only wearing one outfit the whole time I am in the midwest. Cold kills off stink, right?

It's 80 degrees here today, and the Santana winds are here again, and they're fucking up everyone's respiratory tracts but it made for a magical walk across campus this morning. Nothing seems more magical to me than walking through crunchy leaves with the wind kicking them up and my hair blowing perfectly away rather than into my face like I'm in a commercial for something. Something related to leaves, I guess.

I have one more mornign of obligation and then I am going to sit around, doing absolutely nothing, until I get on the plane and head there to do absolutely nothing. Lovely.

I cant' pack, it's absurd. I have no idea what I'll need for a winter. It's freaking me out, I have had to scrap several packing lists, which is not usual.

I'm tired.

I've been watching the oc season 1 every free second I've had this week. Nice, huh.

I have to go pick up some salad and bread for this thing tonight. Laters.

13 décembre, 2004

Typing Your Eyes Out

Uhm. Ahaem.

So, Jenny, you might have been right when you said it's Davis tradition to freak out first and overreact and ask questions later. along those lines, errrrrrrrrrm, I called this morning and the nice but bored-with-my-panicked-tone phone operator informed me that if my shit isnt' there by the end of the week, I'll just have to resend it. And it won't disqualify me. I intend to blame it on the respective registrars of the offending universities. If anyone asks questions.

But. That means I am not actually going to slit my wrists or any other such reactive nonsense. In fact, I am going to do other, more constructive things instead.

I cleaned up my entire life in the span of two hours this morning. Ran the necessary transckript-related errands, bought software from the bookstore, got two books in my mailbox (woot), faxed something from my favorite copy shop where I was greeted with enthusiasm by two of the employees.

anyway. it's another gorgeous day and since my time in socal is limited this month I am going to go revel in the awesomeness of not having fucked myself with the graant and also that my stats class is a hilarious joke. I will be posting, at the end of the week, the various amusing things the "instructor" has said since I am, in true Rob-Cason-style, writing them all down in my stats notebook dutifully to report back to you guys. Because I laughed a lot. Look forward to that. Now, I am going to start (yay! I've been anxiously awaiting this!) my packing list while I also work out some minor travel details with those of you with whom I am visiting next (holy shit!) week.

word to your motha

12 décembre, 2004

In A Big, Big Way I Am Really Small

I just realized I shot myself in the foot in a really irreparable way. God. Dammit. I can't believe I'm that fucking stupid. I can't believe that I didn't turn in all the required paperwork for this stupid fucking graant on time, and therefore my application will be unceremoniously rejected. Holy. Shit. I hate myself a lot right now.

I've also felt really sick all day. That kinda sucks. My stomach is all fucked up and I need to get to bed so I can get up early enough to go to this incredibly lame staats workshop in the morning and every morning this week. I doubt seriously that I'll be getting any kind of peaceful sleep. I can't fucking believe I did that. All time most retarded thing I ever did.

**** (letting it goooooo)*****

So Ash left this morning. Waah. I miss her tons already. We had so much fun. La la la. It's JD's birthday today and he's getting pretty old. hahahaha. We went and ate thai food and then saw ocean's 12 for 7 bucks total. Nice. I wish i didnt' have to ruin his special day by feeling pukey. Now I feel extra pukey, now that I just effectively cut off my nose to spite my face just as ashleigh predicted i would.

fuck. just, fuck.

let's see. we went shopping a lot and ate at restaurants a lot and that was good. I had a birthday in there, that was good. THanks a bundle to everyone who called and otherwise made it clear that they remembered. I heart you guys. Thanks for the comp cd Jenny AND Keith, and thanks for the birthday presents you didn't actually buy for me but I told myself you got me to jusitfy buying shit for myself. Stacey, you bought me the loveliest sweater. And Chris Daniels, I had no idea you could pick out such cute earrings. Thanks guys.

we went down to san diego yesterday and it was rad.
we saw closer and ate at cheesecake factory on my birthday. which was an awesome birthday party.

and lots of other fun stuff. if you want to know how fun you'll just have to come visit yourself, huh

ihave to go dry my hair. And then dry heave myself to sleep. I am such a colossal fuckup. god DAMMIT.

05 décembre, 2004

Shake You From Your Sleep

I would just like to say, briefly, that I am incredibly grateful for all of my friends, and my family members that are more friend than family. Some unfortunate events over the past couple days have reminded me how unbelievably lucky I was to have you guys ten years ago, when my father died, when he was sick, when my mom lost her mind completely, and every day of the past decade that you pulled me through her bullshit and helped me see the bright side of things. A lot of you probably have no idea how much it meant to me that you were there, and how much it meant to me that you would stay over at my house all the time or sneak out and go smoke pot with me or help me hide alcohol in my closet or get ready for prom with me or write notes to me in high school or be in color guard with me or call me on my shit or let me live with you in college or have karaoke parties with me or make me a vagina cake for my birthday or sit on the roof of a parking garage with me or whatever you did.

I have come to the absolute conclusion that if you hadn't been there for me at some point in my life I would not have turned out as (*modest*) well as I have. My mother did everything in her power to ensure that we were just as miserable as she was and she may well have succeeded if it hadn't been for those of you who were there to help me through the last ten years. Thanks. I love you.

02 décembre, 2004

Eliminate the Need For Water


1.) Jenny, stop dropping hints about what "gigantic" present I should collaborate with so-and-so to get for you. I already told you JD's present is going to make you shit yourself. That should be enough. Also, mom has no money this year. She already said she's not buying us anything but shit from Deal$. Which is probably better. But yeah, I'll get you Xmas presents but mostly you're getting a scarf. And I mailed you two very heavy packages of crap yesterday, so you can appreciate that shit too. If I knew how to make attractive mittens or gloves, believe me, you'd get a pair. Sigh.

2.) I am nearing completion of redrafting my hyuge graant prowpowsal. I Will have it submitted before ash gets here next week.

3.) If I werent' updating I could be making real progress on another project that I intend to have redrafted and thrown back to someone else before ash gets here. I have this morning, this afternoon/evening, and tomorrow to get it done. I can Totally Rock it like that

4.) I received the Best email yesterday informing me that I dont' Actually have my thursday class next week after all. Thank goodness for flaky speakers! So I don't have a ridiculous obligation while ash is here. Hoo-ray! So I have it today in a few hours and then I'm DONE!!!! YAY! No final paper, I'm jsut totally done! Except for the dinner party. Pooh. But that's far away and not for days

5.) I pseudo-bought JD's birthday present yesterday. In that he picked it and bid on it on Ebay and then informed me that I had just won him a birthday present. Lovely.

6.) Jyushin is my Lovey Friend

7.) I turned my eye are bee in yesterday. Sweet god i'm glad that's turned in. Also, I met with a potential slave yesterday and she's really nice and may just work out.

8.) K changed his mind and is picking me up from O'Hare now. Bwa haha. Raedy, whatcha doing on the 19th? Wanna hang out withme and Keith? Did you get your scarf yet? I'm still backordered on Mike's, but if he wants one I'll make it.

9.) I think I've bought coffee every single day this week. Ugh.

10.) JD officially put in notice at Rickkkkkenbaaaaaaacker today, and he starts his other job on the 20th? I think so. anyway, he's excited. I'm excited for him not to have to wake up so frigging early.

11.) I mailed some packages yesterday (melissa, jenny, be watching the mail on my birthday. how lame that Your shit arrives on My birthday) and ran some errands and bought some more vast quantities of yarn. I seriously, not kidding, have spent about $90 on yarn this year. I am ending that vicious cycle now, though. No more scarf requests are being taken. Unless you want a leftover color. and we'll have to see what gets leftover.

12.) I look like a thug today

13.) I've been looking for attractive purple gloves for about two months now. Still no luck. They have to kind of match my other purple accessories.

14.) I've had a bad headache for three days now. I am thinking it has to do with being a massive bitch for the three days prior to the headache.

15.) I need to go kill that paper's ass. Lates