I Turn My Head To The East
What's awesome? Oh, I have a list of things.
1. in 2 weeks I'll be done dressing up like a kindergarten teacher and driving all over the damn county.
this means i can...
2. change my desktop screensaver to something more fun than an orange fish with green seaweed
3. paint my fingernails dark, vaguely gothic colors
4. start using hand sanitizer only when i leave a thrift store
5. go to the gym in the afternoons like i like, instead of going to the gym...never
6. stop micromanaging undergrads who are nowhere near as reliable as raydee and i were when we did this shit
7. give away the excess batman pens, incredible hulk activity books, lisa frank stationery (expect some mail, ladies), stuffed monkeys, slinky jrs, jump ropes, hello kitty paint by number sets, soccer ball shaped playing cards, and flower photo frames that have literally filled my trunk for the last eight months
8. After this week, I'll be done with my responsibilities for the grad stats class i'm TAing, which means...
9. I AM DONE TAING FOREVER. Seriously, forever. Postdoc requires no teaching and next time I teach I'll be the instructor and hopefully will HAVE TAs to do all this bullshit
10. I don't have to attend lectures or teach labs next quarter
11. I don't have to put up with a group of students who are, sometimes, little assholes
12. We have decided not to have lab meetings every week next quarter, instead only meeting when someone has something to practice/present/solicit feedback on
13. delete the dozens of stickies on my desktop that relate to people's schedules/progress/misc bullshit for this quarter
14. I have done jack shit all weekend and I do not even feel bad about it. I've been eating candy and watching Judge Judy and I'm going to power yoga later and MY LIFE IS SUPER AWESOME. Love you guys.