They Call Me Stacey, They Call Me Jane, That's Not My Name
It is really fun to be taken seriously. This past year has marked the first time I felt like I was definitely going to be able to wrangle a satisfying career out of this path, somehow, and for the past few months I have been smugly enjoying the Big Fish environment that sprang up all around me while I was busy chewing cuticles. Don't worry, there's still plenty of shit that goes wrong/sucks/makes me look retarded to keep my ego in check. But I like the shift toward treating me as an equal and I appreciate it and if I weren't getting that right now I would...barf...or something else bad. Anyway, all this confidence that other people have in me forces me to recognize the skills that I have developed in the last 5 years, which in turn makes me admit that I am getting really good at this and will be fucking great at it one day. In some capacity. We'll see.
Kyle, I'll email you the brief with the SC opinion. I'm on p.32.
I went on a comp cd binge last week and some of you should be reaping the benefits....nowish. Who knew how fun the scrapbooking aisle in target can be when you don't intend to scrapbook? It's like I found myself a whole new time suck with pretty paper and glue sticks. Oh and stickers that say, "MEMORIES!" in script. I have to say, this wave of comps is some of my best work. I have not yet gotten sick of ANY of them, and I made FIVE. Oh yes.
Summer is good. I'm getting more writing done than I ever dreamed possible, but that's kind of necessary at this point and it makes me feel like a badass.
I'm going to power yoga tonight. Sweet berry wine and sandwiches that is a good class. I am getting better at "not panicking" in poses in the class, which then translates to being able to "not panic" in reality. Plus, I am getting motherfucking strong. It's awesome.
What else? I love my husband. Our lives seem charmed these days. How fun is disposable income? I know, right? Cats are great. Friends are great. I feel grateful all the time
I keep missing things we did in New Zealand and as usual I have this itch to travel somewhere really far away. Next stop, Iowa City for Christmas! Teehee.
Anyone want to come here for Thanksgiving? We saw a giant tofurkey "roll" at the grocery the other night and I want to have you guys come over for a dinner party. Think it over. Who's it gonna hurt? Where're you going?