14 février, 2008

My Eyes Can't Look At You Any Other Way

This week has been awesome.

JD is rocking that conference, and raking in the good news about his/my futures.

Jenny has gotten into her second grad school, also offering her a full ride.

Mike successfully turned 29 yesterday.

Raedy passed her advancement/hearing/defense today.

I got an "accepted pending revision" on the paper from that project I collected data for in el ay at ass o'clock in the morning a couple years ago...you may remember me telling you how stressful it was to go first thing in the morning and interview kids who had been yanked out of their homes (but thank god they had been)? And how we would blow off going some days when none of us could handle it and we'd go to cheesecake factory and have ourselves a liquid lunch, pretending we were secretaries? that study. HELL FUCKING YES. And it's at a good jirnil. considering the subject matter, real good.

Now if you'll excuse me, I am going to get back to drinking (alone, in my apartment) to celebrate Raedy, watching 16 Candles on VH1 for the first time in my life, and working leisurely on my proppzle. Valentine's Day is spectacular.

Love to you, sweeties. Hope your weeks have been equally illustrious.

12 février, 2008

I Came Up In Here To Get What You Got

So JD has been in Auztralyah for a confirrence for, what, eleven hours? yeah, abouts that. We were hoping he would get to meet the Chief Poohbah of the Specific Company he wants to gain employment from when he comes back to the states in May. We were hoping that, through JD's powers of Pure, Unadulterated Awesome, that he could charm the pants off this Poohbah and flirt his way into a Job.

Four hours ago I received an email (I just read it, though) from him, sent around 1pm on the FIRST day of this confirrence. It's short and to the point. He already met this guy, had an interview, and has an unofficial job offer on the table. Apparently they had all decided already that he would be made this offer, which is not that shocking given what he's doing in NZ on behalf of the company, but man.

That has got to be a record, even for him.

FUCK YEAH. It's not official, but when it is, it means I could take ANY job ANYwhere, which greatly increases the chances of my finding a job in the first place. I could do a post-dock. Shit, that is incredible.

01 février, 2008

I Am Listening, I Am All Ears

So this morning I am sitting in my living room in my underpants because I only just finished breakfast/checking email/first pot of coffee/etc (I have a routine, now that I live alone, that involves an extended period of pajama-wearing on most days). I am making a bunch of annoying phone calls to in-laws about whether they are visiting me this weekend, or whether they are not, because they have a Super Bowl party (they have a SB party, whew).

A FedEx guy comes to the door. I can see him holding something, something mysterious, but I am on the phone with my gma-in-law and not wearing pants and I know the FedEx guy can hear me inside talking but I can't think fast enough to grab the robe hanging in the bathroom.

So FedEx guy leaves, and I assume he'll take the package to the office. No. When I look outside there's a thing on the doorknob saying the package went back to the hub and I can come get it that night or they'll retry me tomorrow.

Then JD starts sending me emails about what I'm doing, whether I'm in my office, etc. Hmmm. He doesn't normally send me emails all day while we're both working, so I immediately suspect the package is from him. Excellent, that means it's something rad. I tell him about the phone call/underpants/delivery snafu and he sends me the tracking numbers.

I track the package and I see that it has gone from ObscureTown, China, to Shanghai, to Alaska, to Indy, to California. Hmmmmmmmm. What comes from China? I google the first Chinese town and nothing but tech links pop up. Apparently this town does a lot of manufacturing for computers and whatnot. Hmmm.

JD sends more emails meant to mislead me, saying things like, "don't get excited," and "it's not that great." Obviously he is lying.

Anyway, I just got extremely bored in the middle of this, and I want to go to bed. Here's the gist (Oh, and for those of you keeping track of Vocabulary Karma, I mispronounced "gist" in front of MY ADVISOR the other day, and she pointedly corrected me, and then I had to tell her about how there was this girl I went to HS with who always said it wrong and I mocked her so relentlessly that I could no longer remember which was right and which was incorrect. That made me feel stupid) of what I was going to post, except now I don't give a shit:

-My husbie sent me an iPod touch, totally unexpectedly and for no good reason. Ok, we have an anniversary (of going out, because we're eleven) (9 years, bitches).* It's FUCKING RAD. I have tried to convince it that we should make babies and live on an island but thus far it's pretending not to understand me. I'll wear it down, give me time.
-This thing came with an inscription engraved on the back. Right? This is where he ceilings out in the awesomeness category:
He had it engraved to say, "...the whole world will hear us singing!"

A little fey, you might be thinking to yourself? Yeah, but google it. I'm not even telling you here where it's from, it's too too sweet and thoughtful and precious. My shriveled grinch heart grew 2 sizes today.

-I got myself a pizza for dinner. When I went to pick it up, they gave me two pizzas, because they fucked up one. I was about to tell them I didn't want the one that they put cheese on, when the girl informed me that they had fucked up by only making one a whole-wheat crust, the other was just normal. But both had no cheese, black olives, and artichoke hearts. Oh, god, that is awesome. I now have food for the whole weekend, which is lucky because I am going to be locked in my little tower working for the next four days.

-The X Files is on tv. There is a marathon on or something, and this is possibly my favorite show of all time, ever, ever ever ever. Fucking sweet as.

-Stacey your dream is hilarious. I am going to put my fitted white satin pants on and climb into your dreams again tonight.

*give or take. cough.