09 septembre, 2007

Now That It's Raining More Than Ever

Hullo, lovies!

I mentioned JD is very popular. Right? Well, after a month of debating and considering various exciting opportunities, etcetera, a decision has been reached:

JD is going to New Zealand for six months as a consultant. He'll be there November through April and they're putting him up in a furnished apartment and paying him a shitload of money. They're flying me out in December (as his friend put it: "they're paying for a conjugal? That's pretty pimp.") and I'll probably go out another time in March over my spring break. He'll probably go to another conference in Australia in February, and he and I have talked about visiting parts of Fiji, or the Cook Islands, or Easter Island (though that one's a little far-fetched, it's fucking far away from everything).

Decision came down to: 1) Catapult career into high gear in one fell swoop or 2) continue plodding along doing essentially "more of the same" until wife graduates in a few years, then begin trying to move up a peg or two career-wise.

This seems like the most excellent choice, objectively. However, this means all kinds of unpleasant bullshit for us personally. I have to learn how to cook. He has to buy power converters so he can take his PSP. You know, super-huge consequences.

It is fucking incredible that he's been given this opportunity, and fuck if I'm going to let temporary discomfort stop him from doing it. Plus, HELLO, free vacation to New Zealand. Also, I have to advance soon and this lets me be totally up my own ass about that since I don't have to pander to loved ones. har.

So we've got a couple months to arrange these ducks into a pleasing, orderly row. Visitors more welcome than ever now, both here and to NZ. Hope you guys love being emotionally supportive, because I will probably be a huge whiny baby about everything all the time.

Yaaarp. Fuck, it's awesome.