Gimme Back My Fishnets
So last night I had an awesome dream. In it, Janel was dragging me out onto a marching band field. I was supposed to be a drum major, but for some reason I had decided to be the topless drum major. Once I started walking out to the football field I began to rethink the decision to be topless, but by that point it was too late. Had to own it. Owned it.
Then, also weirdly, Janel then started pulling on a pair of really slutty fishnets (I happen to own this exact pair of slutty fishnets) that matched her slutty lingerie she was wearing (which I also own). I was kind of like, "hey, why are you wearing my slutty lingerie? don't you have your own?" but instead I felt like it was the uniform and everyone should wear it.
Then in the same dream I was on myspace and saw that JD, my husband also in the dream, had left me a myspace comment and I was so excited because I hadn't talked to him in awhile. Wtf.
21 février, 2007
20 février, 2007
Three Ghosts In A Lighthouse
It was Raimee Jaibley. I understand the curiosity. I actually have gotten more than one hit on my SM for this person's full name over the years, and I have felt weirded out every time that happened. So this time I deleted the original post. I also requested that google un-cache it so that when I google her full name my blog should never pop up again. Unfortunately, this process takes 3-5 business days and it's not done yet. And first I tried editing out her name, so it read "blah blah blah EDITED BECAUSE ASSHAT CAN'T STOP GOOGLING HERSELF" so that even if you click on the cached page that would come up instead.
But, alas. Had to delete the full post to get google to consider my un-cache request. Editing it doesn't count enough? Whatever. You can still google her name and read the cached entry, but I beseech you not to do that. I feel gross enough having written all the tripe and whinging that exists in the archives. It's embarrassing. But for the complete-ness of the story it's there. Urgh.
I also find it hysterical that the comment was left on the post from 2002. As though 2002-version Me hangs out there, in the literal past, in case someone thinks of something to say. Honestly, when I go to websites it's usually quite clear where the archives are and where the main, current page is. But then again... hahaha.
Busy busy. Saturday- ballet. Sunday- concert. Monday- hang out time with coupley friends. Yeah.
Thus Spoke Teresita 1 Challenges To A Duel
18 février, 2007
Hurdles Even Here
Attention, bitter asshat who self-googled yesterday and found her name mentioned on a post from five years ago:
Fuck yourself. Writing "whoever writes this blog thing, you suck" as a comment on a post made in 2002 also sucks, of you. But thanks for the feedback. I wasn't required to like you in high school, or five years ago, and I definitely don't have to like you now. Though I probably wouldn't give a shit today except you really zinged me with that snarky comment. Sorry you got your feelings hurt that someone used to think you were lame.
Ahhh. Photos of my pan-cultural husbie and two fraggle faces that wandered into a really artsy shot of Hawai'ian sky I was trying to take. And of course, this is Mr. Mingus. He's posing for photographs more and more these days. What a sweetieheart.
So I'm stalling on some work (!) and I thought we could play a game. Anyone? It's either this or I work on planning my review session. Either way I'm going to have to tap dance. Might as well be for you guys, right?
Ten Modern-Day Conveniences I Would Not Want To Imagine Life Without
1. iPods
2. Flat irons
3. Tweezers
4. Flip flops
5. Vibrators
6. Boy Shorts
7. Tampons
8. TiVo
9. Limewire
10. Tofu
Tag: Stace,Ash,Sis,Mel,Raedy,Husbie
Thus Spoke Teresita 3 Challenges To A Duel
16 février, 2007
She Sings There, Soft As A Siren
Well, I have been in top form the last couple days. I wore the same sweater three days in a row and I might wear it again today, except I have to see the same people I saw while wearing it on Wednesday in my tee ay class. And one of them complimented it so I bet she would notice if I wore it again. Plus I ran into her yesterday and I bet she noticed then that I was wearing it at least for the second day in a row.
I hate valentine's day. jd and I always swear we're not doing anything special and we think it's lame and then, without fail, I pick fights on VD and i don't really know why. Last year I threw a "You Never Get Me Flowers, Not That I Want Them Today Since They're Overpriced And Now You're Just Doing It Because I Threw A Fit" fit; this year I got a jump start on the fit-throwing by picking a fight just as he was falling asleep the night before. So he, in accordance with my evil plan, fell asleep while I was Having my Fit, which made me twice as fitful, so I then threw more of the same fit all day VD and continued it into yesterday.
Also I talked to Keith yesterday mid-fit, and he, obliviously, suffered residual fit-throwing spillover. We were having the most boring conversation ever so I just started saying anything I felt like, even if it was totally sociopathic in nature. It amused me until he flipped out and basically hung up on me. I was just being kind of jerky. You know, accusatory stuff. Like, "you are the only person I know who didn't pretend to be excited about my article." Actually, that's not true; only a very small number of people pretended at all, and even those people I don't really expect to read it. I just felt like being bitchy. Because really, how exciting can it be for anyone who isn't me? Not very, I get it. So that was kind of not fair of me.
But like I said, I have been in top form. I don't feel bad, though, because he felt comfortable saying ignorant shit like, "jesus, are you on your period or something?" Sometimes I impress even myself with how detached I can be from something. It's like scientific curiosity (what happens when I say this ridiculous thing?) gone awry.
Anyway. I am not exactly apologizing since I think Keith was also participating in this stupid attempt to make the conversation more interesting by overreacting in cartoonish ways to every shitty thing I was saying. It would be nice if I could be a grownup and say, "excuse me, I don't have time to talk to you on the phone right now, I have to go finish picking this fight with JD" and then I could go to JD and be like, "let's discuss why I'm being a heinous bitch" instead of how I actually act.
Oh who cares. I have to get dressed.
Thus Spoke Teresita 0 Challenges To A Duel
10 février, 2007
You Tell Me To Keep Things Quiet
Got bored. Actually, got sick of this thing I was doing so I fucked around with this for an hour instead. Thanks a fat lot, blogger, for forcing the change in the first place. Not the template change, but W-E! I don't need a google account. But I guess the other template was pretty hard to read.
Am boring today. Felt sick all day yesterday. I love being a womyn. Did not get anything done thanks to it. Which is a real pity since I am so swamped right now. Obviously.
What was I going to tell you, blog? Oh who cares. Something uninteresting, probably.
We had a good anniversaire, thanks. Nothing interesting. I don't have any funny stories to tell you. I'm going to go to Boston in March and hang out with Jenny and possibly Raedy and see the Decemberists again. That's really exciting.
Mostly I slept, have slept, have been sleeping. That was nice. I'll be up late tonight, though. We are supposed to hang out with some of JD's friends and I have a lot of work I need to get done so I am getting cranky thinking about hanging out. I will have to put my face on, for example, and change out of pants that make my butt look like a saggy, concave trucker butt. I will need to apply some sort of heated implement to my hair and I just don't want to. I will need to polish up my small talking skillz, which I will also need tomorrow night for the Stupid Prospie Dinner that I also don't want to go to. Oh, it hurts me too.
Today I signed up for a free version of this: Backpackit and it's awesome. You guys should do that too if you like being neurotic about everything.
Uh, what else?
Christ I'm boring. Just checking out the new look.
Thus Spoke Teresita 0 Challenges To A Duel
04 février, 2007
S'pose I Never, Ever Met You
Weird, just when I went to click on a song called "fidelity" in my itunes library, the tivo'd episode of 30Rock I am watching had a character say "fidelity."
First. She updated! Hooray!
Check it out.
So, this week has kind of sucked a big fat one, hasn't it?
Today, I have six thousand things I need to do that I should've worked on yesterday too so that I could watch the super bowl uninterrupted, but instead I have done the following:
1. Woke up at 9, peed, laid back down and the cat came and sat on my chest so I had to go back to sleep.
2. Made espresso
3. Ate an english muffin
4. Dicked around on the internet trying to think of good presents to get JD for our big eight-year anniversary (YES, there's some editorial give or take in that number, shut up) we're patting ourselves on the back for Thursday (we do this instead of lame-ass valentine's day).
5. Had no good ideas for JD. Had one good idea but it was out of stock. Shoved hands in pockets and kicked at imaginary dirt.
6. Made more espresso.
7. Heated up leftover Thai food in oven while doing dishes
8. Ate food and drank more espresso.
9. Thought about how if I were a good wife I would go put money on the laundry card and wash the towels while husbie is at work.
10. Piled clothing in corner to give to goodwill.
11. Tried on pants. Got angry with pants.
12. Started making new comp cd. It's for JD but I'll happily mail you guys copies if you want them. It'll be a little more MTV-U (we get that college channel since we live on campus. It's actually kind of nice, but I miss BBC America) than the last one. But yeah.
If you want that cd, though, you are also getting a photocopy of My First Publication. No, you don't have to read it, you just need to admire how my name is, like, totally on it. If you do read it, please bear in mind that when there are paragraphs in which every single sentence starts with an adverb set off by a comma, that was not me writing. In fact, I protested mightily, but all my careful rewordings were always returned to me with the original stupidity replaced. I won't name names. Everything else, though, is mine.
I've also been having intrusive thoughts about these maple scones we get at this one grocery store. They are amazing. I ate them all yesterday and I am kicking myself today, even though it is not like I don't have many other cookie varieties to choose from.
Clearly, if anyone needs me today, I am highly available.
Thus Spoke Teresita 3 Challenges To A Duel