Nothing Is Lost, It's Just Frozen In Frost
Well, the new apartment is fucking sweet. Even if moving is the worst thing ever that's ever happened in all of history. Only potential greater catastrophe is unpacking. I am so over this whole process.
I have been unpacking as fast as I can today, most of the day, and I have barely made a dent. When did we get this much crap? honestly, when did I accumulate so much stuff that I can no longer throw it all in a plastic tub and be done with it? Stupid being married, stupid possessions. I think I am too old for this-- next time we move we are goddamn hiring someone to come do this bullshit for us. We had five total people helping move all day monday and it still took ALL DAY. then JD and I had to make another million trips with smaller things in the car ALL DAY yesterday.
URGH! I hate it! We are so sore and I can't find the most basic things because I tossed them in a box without labelling it.
But, on the sunny side: pizza and beer, pizza and beer. And friends. Yeah!
The kitties seem unified in their annoyance about this move, but this has both brought them closer (jd elbowed my ribs until i woke up last night around 3am to show me that, AT LAST, the two kitties were curled up with each other at the foot of the bed) and steeled their resolve to take the smelliest possible dumps in their litter box, ostensibly because they are so "stressed out" but more likely because they can, and it's not like I can very well stop them, can I?
But like I said, this place is totally fucking awesome and though it is smaller, it is actually very cozy and I am not just saying that because it's too small. There is more space, everywhere, than we had at the old apartment and the ceilings are higher, which makes the closets and shelf space bigger, and there are storage places all over and I don't even know that we have enough crap to use all the kitchen cabinets. which is VERY exciting.
The kitchen is open to the living room, which is great, and I really like the way we decided to set up the furniture, etc.
So now I am just trying to get it all set up so Mike and Jenny can play house here one night before we get back from Hawaii. Then we will have to take a hard look at the space issue and decide whether mom needs a hotel room. Or something.
We go to Hawaii on Sunday, which is CRAAAAZY. I'm going to be excited, honest, but I have to hurry up and do this unpacking and then a bunch of work all before I go. Fuck. But then, yay!
Oh and JD ended up getting me a present after all. *cough* and it was actually something I really wanted but had not told him I wanted. which is totally kickass of him. and yes, this crow tastes delicious. no, i am not mad at him anymore. plus he had to move all day on his birthday and since he and eric did 90% of the work the day before, that was a sore-ass day of crap for him.
13 décembre, 2006
10 décembre, 2006
It's The Wrong Kind Of Place To Be Thinking Of You
Kitten is good. Actually, full-sized cat brought me a present yesterday, which was the kitten, which he had picked up in his teeth by the throat-- not the scruff, and dropped at my feet. For half a second I thought he had ripped the kitten's throat out. Instead, he looked meaningfully at me as if to say, "now you have no doubt that I could kill it if I felt like it," before he dropped kitten on the ground.
Neither cat likes the whole "everything goes in boxes" theme that's happening right now, except it makes for a wonderland of precariously balanced things to climb on. Cute.
Wednesday night was JD's work Xmas party. Which was so lame last year that we almost stabbed ourselves in the faces, and despite the promise from the coordinators that this year "would be totally different," it was in the same room at this really lame arcade/bar place and the same decorations and the same asshats who majored in "voice" ten years ago when they were in college and are now working at this place so that they feel like they're using their degree (but in reality it's like working box at hoplace) bring a karaoke machine and totally ruin karaoke by not having a sense of irony or lampooningness about what they're doing. Urgh. Drinking and watching the night devolve into JD and his friend Mark shouting out really, really funny and awful things at their coworkers was ok.
Thursday I went out to dinner with my lady friends for my birthday, and that was fucking awesome. There is a really great Cuban restaurant that we are totally going to eat at while you are here, Jenny and Mike, and they have a killer wine list, but also things like sangria and mojitos for nasty ass people who like those kinds of drinks. We meant to see a movie but the little restaurant is so cute and great that we sat there for hours without meaning to. Maybe it was the wine list.
So basically this post is about how I've been drunk or hungover for the last week.
Friday was my birthday, huggles to those of you who remembered/acknowledged it. I spent half the day on campus tying up loose tee ay ends and then walked across the street to do some shopping while I waited for jd to leave work early and come pick me up. But I decided to get him a new phone for his birthday. And forgot that I couldn't really be sneaky about that, since he would notice his old phone not working. But this did not occur to me until I was sitting in the sprint store and trying repeatedly to call jd's cell phone and getting progressively more pissed off, and then the guy activating his phone was all, "so, his old phone won't work from now on," and I started laughing hyenically.
So that made it more complicated, but whatever. And I had to tell him about it right when he picked me up, since he was furious about his phone dying. Sigh. I am the worst gifter ever. I also spent much of my birthday by myself and feeling sorry for myself and so to amplify that I went and bought myself the new damien rice cd. Which I realize, is the same as the old damien rice cd, but that's what I like about it. Sometimes, I do not want bands I like to "evolve" or shit like that. I want it to sound like they are stuck in a time warp, like that episode of star trek: tng where the enterprise keeps living the same day and keep getting "3" as a message. Yeah.
Then when JD picked me up we didn't really do anything much. Ate at a veg restaurant, went to the mall. I had to find a strapless bra for kristin's wedding and since i have none boobs it is really really hard to find a strapless bra that isn't ridiculous. but miracle of miracles, i found the best one ever and it's so awesome i actually wore it all day yesterday While I was Packing, so now I'm convinced that it's comfy and not weird. i'm going to wear it always. i want to have, like, a thousand of its babies.
Yesterday i packed, alllll day, and allll by myself, and then jd's sis and mom descended on me and my apartment, and my head exploded right away. Literally, they each had a conversation at me at the same time that had nothing to do with what the other was saying and I could not follow because two people were harping at me. It boggles the mind. and jds mom talked shit about vegan food again. and ate some tomatoes and sat in a room with two cats despite her allergies to both "tomatoes" and "cats." As my friend kristin the cat-lady-in-waiting is fond of saying, "I am way more allergic to cats than anyone else on the whole planet, but you know what? i take seventeen pills a day for it, and i'm fine. so they can just suck it up." it's hard to get her to see that many people just do not like cats and say they're allergic to preclude further discussion of the matter.
Then last night we went to this party for kristin and eric thrown by eric's partner and father-figure and family. i decided that "on the way to the party" was the perfect time to pick a fight with jd about how pissed i was that i had/would pack(ed) the entire apartment on my "days off," yet on his days off this week, he enjoyed thirtyseven straight hours of playstation and couch time, did not make an attempt to "get boxes" despite my sixthousand separate nags to do so (and now there are not enough boxes), and how he had opted not to get me a birthday present, card, or think of anything fun to do (because why do any of that when you have video games to play?). and i was also secretly pouting that he hadn't switched his days off so that he worked thursday (when I was still grading exams) and could be off friday (my birthday), which i had asked about and he avoided until he was drunk enough and it was late enough wednesday night that he clearly didn't want to work the next day. but mostly my feelings were hurt about my birthday sucking (I really REALLY like birthdays) and having to pack every goddamn oversized book and trinkety piece of junk we own and then having the pleasure of seeing my in-laws all in one day.
i am awesome and reasonable, and it's always a great idea to save up all your bitchiness so it shrapnels out in this kind of malicious list of complaints.
so i picked this fight, which was possibly out of left field for jd even though i have been pouting and huffing around and sighing pointedly for a few days to warn him that trouble's brewing. as soon as i had strung together an incoherent list of things that i was upset about, we arrived at the party! yay! and it was very very nice and luckily there was almond flavored champers and wine and eric had made a special point of bringing vegan sushi for us to eat and eric's partner gary and gary's family are awesome and the kids are about our ages and had brought their sig. others so it was actually a really fun dinner party. mostly i pounded champagne and talked with kristin about underwear and this guy about farming and sustainability and the environment and how bad chicken rendering smells. And he had a mole on his lip so the whole time I was thinking, "don't say 'hi Aunt Mole!'." At one point gary and his wife toasted kristin and eric, and talked about how dedicated eric is to this wedding and relationship with kristin (he better be, she left her husband for him!) and we all clinked glasses and then kristin cannot help herself, and announces that if eric has taken this all seriously, she has taken it, like, a thousand times more seriously. I almost fell out of my chair i laughed so hard at her. i like to think that i am kristin's absurdity check. elsewise she takes herself very seriously and really, she needs to be laughed at on occasion.
anyway, that was fun and now i'm finishing packing once i quit stalling on doing that. and we're moving tomorrow and tuesday and that is going to suck. i'm going to make an effort to be less of a whingy little bitch princess today, but until i get a birthday present that's not likely to happen. i wish i could say i am kidding here, but we all know i would not really be kidding.
because that is how I roll.
Thus Spoke Teresita 6 Challenges To A Duel
01 décembre, 2006
A Bottle Of Ancient Shiraz, A Smattering Of Distant Applause
I love December. As with every December 1st that I can remember, I feel relief. There is something superstitiously awful about November as a month, as a whole, and I for one will not miss this November either. Such a disproportionate number of Shit Things always happen in Novembers. Bleck.
So kittykins hasn't got worms, either. He and extant cat are beginning to like each other. In my opinion. They, together, make up what we like to call "the El Dude Brothers" and fucking hell they're cute.
We move in less than 2 weeks, we signed some paperwork yesterday and I think the complex looks stellar. Nice people. Don't have to pay rent today and am feeling quite smug about it.
Raedy's band's cd is fucking awesome, if you haven't requested or received your copy do it NOW. I am learning all the words so I can sing along. And may I say, Raedy, that I still think of you and Karaoke Party every time I hear a Mariah Carey song on the radio, and it is damn good to know that you found an appropriate outlet for your ability to squeak and crack your voice and shatter glass with your falsetto. Also, JD wanted me to remind you that The Yoko Ono Experience must make a cd too. At some point soon. We'll call you Dr. Rockstar.
Ahem. I hate the next...week or so... and it hates me. But it's December. AND A WEEK UNTIL MY BIRTHDAY!
Thus Spoke Teresita 1 Challenges To A Duel