Hippo Like You Belong In The Zoo
Well, time just flies by when you don't get dressed for three days because you gave yourself carpal tunnel writing ad nauseum, "this is not a sentence," and, "do not change tenses within a single sentence," and "this is not a word," and "no, you have not proven anything to me, you have merely made assertions that I find entirely questionable, probably because you do not back up your ideas with research, you simply speak in trite colloquialisms."
I will be the world's bitchiest teacher. I can't even help it.
oh dear lord, JD is laughing himself to tears watching this sketch show on BBC America that appears to be targeted at adolescents. I think we're going to defect.
Speaking of, we leave Thursday morning in the early ass A-M. I am so excited I can barely concentrate on anything else and I keep looking at Jenny's blog, at her itinerary, and crapping my pants at the thought that my sister and Mike are in Iceland right now and holy shit, my mother is in Scotland hanging out, just scanning the water for Nessie. HOLY FUCKING SHIT. My face might melt I'm so excited.
And because for some reason I delight in reading Jenny's itinerary, and there is no chance in hell I'll be updating this tomorrow or anymore before we leave, here is ours:
THURS, 15th June:
Fly LAX to Newark. Be bored off ass but also slightly jazzed. Fly Newark to Edinburgh.
FRI, 16th June:
Arrive in Edinburgh 10am. Exchange money. Pick up rental car. Drive to The Falkirk Wheel, drive to Stirling Castle, Drive to the wee little town on the west coast where we are staying in a bed and brekkie and meeting up with my mother (isn't that the cutest thing you can imagine? meeting my mother ever-so-cazzie in a foreign country? You guys have seen how she acts when we come to Indiana. I somehow think she will be even more excited to see us there). Check out the town and That thing on the hill called McCaig's Folly. And probably sleep for eleven thousand hours.
SAT, 17th June:
Hit up the local Tesco supermarket for groceries. Ferry the car and the mom and finance over the Sound of Mull and to Craignure. Go check out Duart Castle and Torosay Palace and then go get the keys to the real castle and start calling dibbs on all the cool shit; such as bedrooms and stuff. Hang out. Wait. At some point JD's entire family arrives in one big group. Whee. Go for long ass hikes. Everywhere. Oh fuck, I am so excited about hiking around.
SUN, 18th June:
Mike and Jenny arrive in afternoon! Pick them up from nearest town and go hike some more. Ruined towns from highland clearances. Stone circles. Cliffs. Etc.
MON, 19th June:
Back to town. Meet with registrar, photographer, potentially someone who sells flowers. Figure out details. Hang out with family.
TUES, 20th June:
Boat trip to Iona, then to Staffa then if there's daylight we'll bag a munroe.
WED, 21st June:
Get hitched. Yeee!
THURS, 22nd June:
Awkward breakfast with entire family. Haha. Fun family hangout time. More walks and shit. Jenny and Mike, sadly, back to bus station to head back into Glasgow. Last night with families. Can't say I'll be sorry. Ha!
FRI, 23rd June:
Send away all the family people. Castle to ourselves. Oh, that will be so nice. Maybe hang out in town? Mostly just hang out in castle.
SAT, 24th June:
Sad. Leave castle for Inverness. Drive past Loch Ness and tons of cool tourist shit. Aleister Crowley's house. Stop to do each touristy thing because I am a sucker for that. Buy up lots of Nessie paraphanalia. For you guys. You know you want it. Hang out in Inverness. We are staying in "the tartan room" of a particularly lovely little inn.
SUN, 25th June:
Day 2 in Inverness. Tear it up! And stuff.
MON, 26th June:
Drive to Aberdeen along whisky trail. Stop at every distillery. Will take days to get there. Also stop to see castles, since whisky and castle trail are essentially the same route. Check in to lovely hotel in the same town where I took baby ballet. Find old house. Bother new owners. Check out the "granite city" and try not to hate los angeles.
TUES, 27th June:
Day 2 in Aberdeen. Fuck, so awesome. Storybook Glen, bitches. that will only matter to Jenny. I'm tired of adding links. But I went there when I was little. I am DYING to see it again. I still dream about that place. Holy god. we'll do grown up stuff too, don't fret.
WED, 28th June:
Drive to Edinburgh through Perthshire. Check out Scone Palace and check into the fucking nicest hotel I've ever even imagined. I believe we are staying in the Library the first night and the Old Rectory the second. Drop off stuff. Guzzle champagne. Hit town. Oh my god I am so excited about Edinburgh. SO. EXCITED. ABOUT. EDINBURGH. I miss history. I love sixty degrees. Oh fuck, I love Scotland. Do touristy shit. Maybe we will have a nice dinner or something?
THURS, 29th June:
Edinburgh. All day. All of it. Go to Rosslyn. Fight DaVinci Code crowds. Le Sigh. More Edinburgh. More champagne. Lovely. Last night in Scotland, boo.
FRI, 30th June:
Return rental car. Fly back to Newark. Fly back to LA. Pick cat up from Aunt Kristin's on the way home. Sleep.
Fuck. Fuck, fuck, this is so awesome. Can't wait. I cannot believe my mom and sister are already over there. Love you guys. I am really excited to get married, not just travel. Love JD. Lurve? his family. Anyway. Be safe. Smoochies everyone. Talk to you when I get back. Thanks for all the well wishing, you guys are kickass. HUGS!
13 juin, 2006
07 juin, 2006
U Hott Mami? Let's Make Luv
So, one of my and JD's favorite pastimes appears to be watching the Dateline series, "to catch a predator." If you haven't seen it, please watch it next week. It is fucking hilarious. This Chris Hansen guy is fucking brilliant. Hysterical. The way he sits them down and reads the transcripts of their im conversations back to them, verbatim, sends us into fits. I highly recommend it, I have laughed until I cried everytime I've seen this show. Plus the girl they use as bait looks just like jen miller's younger sister. Only adds to the hilarity.
In the past two days JD's car crapped a big one on us and dropped its fucking trannie and it was going to cost three thousand dollars and it was long and dramatic and we seriously almost bought a corolla today but then decided, nah, fuck it, we can share one car at least for a few months so he sold it to the transmission shop owner. *Wipes hands on apron*
There, squared away. Yes sir, squaaaaared away.
Oh and I am so busy my eyes are bleeding and I don't have time to take a shit. That's a lie. You have to make time for bodily functions. And stuff. Anyway.
Thus Spoke Teresita 1 Challenges To A Duel
05 juin, 2006
I Love You So Dearly, I Love You So Fearlessly
today, by the same person, I was told the following. In this order:1. My hair looks great today (thanks, it does).
2. I am a very strong writer (thanks, I needed that).
3. I am doing a bang-up job with this hulking beast of a chapter and she is very proud of me (thanks, also needed that).
4. When I write paragraphs like this, it "is much too basic for this audience. In fact, a statement like this one would insult people. It's written for undergraduates." (harrrummm).
Dudes, I am getting SUPER PSYCHED AND NERVOUS for next week! JD's car is probably on its last pathetic leg. FUCK! We are FUCKED! hahah!
love you guys
Thus Spoke Teresita 0 Challenges To A Duel
04 juin, 2006
Wonky Pickle Chicken Nipple
700th post, bitches.
Fuck, what a colossal waste of time and energy. Seven hundred blog postings. Three total comments. Divided by 700, that's not making me think people give a shit about what I have to say on here. Hmmmm.
1. My cat had a mostly-successful play date with his cat cousins at Aunt Kristin's house on Friday. Eric made guacamole and we all had a bunch of wine and the cats seemed to be doing fine and basically avoiding each other except for the run-by-while-hissing move that her cats have perfected. So we went out for a bit and when we returned all the cats were in the exact same places as we had left them and there was no blood or flying fur. Thus, my cat is going to live at his aunt's house for the two weeks we're gone. Fucking thank god.
2. I have spent the better part of the weekend researching minutae about this trip. My sister and Mike are leaving for Iceland on Saturday. SATURDAY. holy shit. My mother is also leaving on Saturday. There is still 10% of me that thinks she will crap out on the whole "boarding the plane" part of it and never make it to Scotland. We shall see.
3. However, I am going to assume she'll show up in the ferry town where we're meeting her and we will all travel without incident across the Firth of Lorne and the Sound of Mull and then upward over the mountain. Oh man I am getting excited. We have hunted out every vegetarian/vegan friendly restaurant in the country and I am neurotically planning things down to the timing of meals. I don't think that will last. But we're kind of on a tight schedule so it won't hurt to have a vague idea of things we should not miss and when.
4. I have been incomparably lazy when it comes to my schoolwork lately, but I am noticing that everyone has kind of allowed it, as though there would be no possible way I could be verging on marriage AND successfully completing my work. Thing is, there's not much that I could be doing even if people were on my case. Things are just moving very slowly. I should be whallopped with papers to volley back in about two days. Then, I will be pissed. Also, I will probably end up doing some more last-minute grading, so maybe it's good that I'm getting all this neurotic shit out of the way now.
5. Fuck, I am so excited.
6. Also, Celeste, I talked to my sister. CONGRATULATIONS!
7. You too, Chris Daniels.
8. God, I am so boring. The writing's on the wall. More acccurately, the writing's NOT on the wall because you guys won't comment unless I mention you specifically by name. Or ask you direct questions. That's cool.
9. Oh I got a friend request on facebook from one of my RAs. Not sure how I feel about that. I might dismantle the account instead of adding her. Those sites are just so weird.
Thus Spoke Teresita 5 Challenges To A Duel