Good Riddance, 2005
This is what we did in Boston.
Happy New Year!
31 décembre, 2005
24 décembre, 2005
Somewhere In Me, There Is Strength
Yeah, only a couple more things left to tick off the ol' to-do list before JD and I leave for Boston via Long Beach tonight. So super sweet. I can't wait to get to Boston. We are overnighting the flight and if all goes as planned we will show up, on Jenny's doorstep (and Mike's there! YAY!) at ass o'clock Christmas Morn with Dunkin Donuts coffee. Then we will punch her douche roommate in the face and the four of us will have the awesomest time known to man. I meant to take a photo when all the presents were there, and with all the cards we accumulated on the mantle from two birthdays, three holidays, and an engagement, but forgot. Oh well.
Today I am packing (oh, how I LOVE to pack!) and doing a little bit of work, watching a house-flipping marathon on TLC, and soothing my angry psychic cat. He can always tell when we are leaving. He has been biting Jess all day, which is funny because he knows he's stuck with her for about a week. I am a little uneasy leaving him with her. If we come home to a dead cat she's going to suffer my wrath.
My mom isn't going to Boston, because she's crazy, but more hilariously, she's not going anywhere at all now. Her big claim was that she wanted to spend Christmas Day with her "ailing granny" but now my mom has a cold so she "doesn't want to expose them" to it and won't be going/doing anywhere/thing. She also tried to work in a passive aggressive, "maybe you can call me on new year's eve or something" yesterday to which I had to forcefully say, "No, I will call you on Christmas Day." Nice Try. Her new tactic, of not calling me on my birthday or either of her children on holidays, is appallingly effective.
We are, however, taking Trivial Pursuit to Boston. That is going to be fun. Two Davises playing a competitive trivia game always makes for two unhappy non-Davis boys. No matter how we slice up the teams. I fucking can't wait. There's something really like coming home for real about spending Christmas with JD, Jenny, and Mike. We've all spent so many holidays together, it's nice to be able to do it again.
And in case I/we die, I love all you guys. Even if I don't die, I should tell you all more often. This was one hard-ass year, but it's almost over. Thanks for supporting me and being there when I needed to rant. Happy Kwanzaa to all you lucky bitches who get to spend it together. I'm totally and unflaggingly jealous. But I'll see you guys in a few months, and with Cake. Lovels ya'll.
Thus Spoke Teresita 2 Challenges To A Duel
20 décembre, 2005
Mood Indigo
As I type, my cat is sitting on the table right behind the laptop screen, reaching his Very Stealthy paw around the sides of the screen to bat at my fingers. And every so often he looks, ears slicked back so I could not possibly see him, over the top of the screen. And he is mewing pitifully to get JD's attention (JD is in the kitchen, three feet away, but Jyushin is not content unless we are both looking at him).
So pardon the typos?
The clamor (clamour) for an update just got to be too too much to handle. So so so, what's news? Not much. I can't wait for Saturday, that's when we leave for Boston. The sister-in-law is on my last nerve, but she is pulling down 18-hour work days this week with the two jobs so I feel both lazy and guilty and also relieved that she's not here. I have a lot of work I'm plodding through. Mostly just trying to finish the bare minimum so that I can go off to Boston without stranding anyone.
We just got some delicious groceries to last us out the week. I am excited. If you have never tried the veggie bacon in the green box, please do yourself a favor and get some. It is everything good about normal bacon, but without the murder and heart attack.
I have a headache today. It could be muscle tension, could be my newly-realigned-with-the-lunar-cycle cycle, could be sleep deprivation or overcaffeination or whatever.
What it for sure Isn't is vitamin deficiency. I bought big girl vitamins (I was taking chewable powerpuff girls ones but I read that they're not quite what I need....ahem) and Even Bigger Girl calcium chews because you need to do that if you don't want to get colon cancer. Or brittle bones-itis. Which are both genetically in my face, so....
Yeah so I have a headache. I bought some nutrition. My cat is so cute. I can't wait for Boston. It better be so fun my face melts. I have work I should do. If I come across any cute videos of my finance or cat in the next few days I'll post them, never fear. If not....well. That's too grisly a thought to even think.
I am looking forward to winter clothing and temperatures, and maybe even snow! Now I'm thirsty. So boring. So ached in the head. Gonna drink some water. Yeah!
Thus Spoke Teresita 0 Challenges To A Duel
16 décembre, 2005
Freudian Slippers? That's Genius
I have been dreaming a lot in the last couple weeks. This morning I was dreaming about Ashleigh and Jim, and they had just gotten married and somehow I had managed to sit behind a post so i could barely see her dress or the ceremony. And then Stacey and I crashed their lunch the next day because we had to ask Ashleigh something and they were pissed. Oh and somehow Stacey and I were roommates with A and Jim. And I noticed that her wedding ring was intricately detailed, and then later in the dream I was looking through our shared communal bathroom and found a Cool Water gift set that Jim had given Ash, and I opened it and there were six different cool water scented soaps and five different cool water themed rings. And I realized that her wedding ring was the missing one and she would probably alternate among the five others too. And I thought that was quite novel.
Then JD and I had to go to Scotland for something, we had to find somebody. And we went on public transportation that flew around in the air like a cable car past Big Ben, where some Londoner remarked that if you were a tourist you might feel very small next to it, but only if you were a tourist. So I leaned over and, in my best faked British accent, told him how my father had taken me there when I was little and i did feel very small. And then JD and I got off on the wrong stop and were in this restaurant on a riverbank and we went in and Ashleigh and Jim were there and we were interrupting their dinner again.
Weird, huh? and then there was something about an old lady I was trying to help. Weird. Oh, and go here. You'll thank me.
Thus Spoke Teresita 1 Challenges To A Duel
15 décembre, 2005
Nobody Here Is Under The Slightest Obligation to Recompense You For Your Wares
I knew if I just sat and waited long enough, BBC America would give me an appropriate title.
1. JD's aunt and uncle sent us a handmade parcheesi rug with game pieces! That was thoughtful. I have never played parcheesi before. And it smells weird. It makes Jyushin do the thing he does when he smells coffee where he paws at the ground, trying to cover up the offending smell with imaginary cat litter. Sounds charming, but is not after the thousanth time.
2. I can't concentrate on my schoolwork. I think, also, that I may have fucked something fairly major up, so I am kind of avoiding looking into that because if I do find that to be the case, I am going to have my ass handed to me, and I'm not interested in that.
3. I did get sick, after all. But whatever viral infection JD has is milder with me and does not involve nasal congestion, so I could care less. I think I'll be over it in another day or so, and nicely enough I dont' have to show my face anywhere until Monday, so I'll be fine. We are splitting his antibiotics just like you're not supposed to, so I expect an even speedier recovery.
4. The FedEx guy just came and brought presents from Ashleigh!!!! WHEEEEEE, that's awesome. I heart her. These pig shaped soaps totally trump the parcheesi rug that was about to get made fun of in more detail. Now I am too overcome with delicious smells to be such a git. Thanks, pookie!
5. Jessica came home last night and announced that she wants to run a marathon. My mouth actually turned into one of those squiggly lines you see on cartoon people's mouths when they are disbelieving and/or thoroughly conflicted about which emotion to express.
6. I have to get back to work. Suck. I am working on a grahnt now with a few people and it is going to require "intensive" work until mid-January. I have yet to be able to force my brain to think "intensively" about anything since last week, so it blows that I have a deadline of tomorrow for one of the drafts. Wah, I know, I am such a whiner.
Thus Spoke Teresita 2 Challenges To A Duel
12 décembre, 2005
Twenty-Seven Trombones Led The Big Parade
BABY! Happy birthday! You are so totally awesome! I love you oodles!!!
JD is sickly today. No, before you even think of uttering such blasphemy, I am not getting whatever he has. The power of positive thinking. We are going to his work-related Xmas party tonight. I feel bad that we have to do that on his birthday. I just skipped a job tawlk to take him to lunch. That was fun. Yes, I have lots to update about but I just wanted to say
Thus Spoke Teresita 1 Challenges To A Duel
Maybe This Hamburger Necklace Isn't Magical After All
This Is My Life, Rated | |
Life: | |
Mind: | |
Body: | |
Spirit: | |
Friends/Family: | |
Love: | |
Finance: | |
Take the Rate My Life Quiz |
Thus Spoke Teresita 1 Challenges To A Duel
03 décembre, 2005
This Morning On The Riverbed Did you know that when JD puts on a pair of ladies white sunglasses, he looks exactly like an evil Indiana Jones action figure I have in my car? No, I didn't have my camera on me for this, but it's uncanny. The Figure is the evil Chinese man (or maybe he's supposed to be German? Action figures have come a long way). Oh hang on a second I have to terrorize my cat.
Thanks. I'm back.
Wait, now I have to pee. Hang on.
Ok thanks. So yesterday I was in class and my friend Oscar (I know for sure that his name is Oscar because he has it tattooed on his own arm) was sitting a few seats down from me, and he smelled goddamn delicious. And I sniffed the air a few times and then started inching my chair closer to him and had travelled about nine feet before I realized I was acting out an Axe bodyspary commercial. Luckily I noticed right before I started pole dancing. But that stuff! My gosh.
So JD and I need you guys to vote on which photo here we should use as our engagement photo. These are the only choices. How fucking great would it be to run one of these in the ol' C&P back in the Ville? Huuuuh?
In other news: Walk the Line is great. My movie list is huge right now. Things are great. More photos (but if you don't like these, you won't be interested!) on the F-blog. That's the last link over nyah (<-------).
Did anyone see the South Park about ginger kids? Because if so I have a funny story.
Thus Spoke Teresita 4 Challenges To A Duel
01 décembre, 2005
What Is Right and What Is Easy
Apparently there is a phenomenon known as "shrinkage" in statistical modeling. We learned all about it yesterday. It has to do with numbers, silly. And because my teacher is the best teacher ever, she makes sure to repeat key phrases and concepts to the point of absurdity. So yesterday she said, "shrinkage" six hundred times in a span of three minutes. This is the same teacher who warned us about needing to prepare for "getting hit with Dick" before her friend came to give a guest lecture earlier in the quarter.
I would have been fine, as I was sitting by my very Republican friend J, but I chanced to look up at my friend Ed Win across the room, who was making the same pained laugh-restricting face as i was, and we both, maturely, lost it.
JD pointed out to me last night that it's December. And I felt a literal wave of endorphins wash over me, and my brow unknitted itself, and everything went back to being awesome instead of me being emotionally volatile. So yay for that.
Also, my pseudo mom (who was unbelievably kind to me the other day and I love more than ever now and is not even scared of me for freaking out on her and in fact seems to like me better for having freaked out on her) is taking her lab group out this afternoon for dessert. I don't even get why she's doing it but I am, needless to say, thrilled about it.
and it's my birthday in a week! I love this month. I love all you guys too.
Thus Spoke Teresita 0 Challenges To A Duel