Favorite internet site? Raedy's Photoblog
Blogs: indulgent or informative? Uber-pretentious, but oh-so-necessary
Dark or milk chocolate? DARK
Fave fruit? pears
Fave restaurant? Cheesecake Factory
Fave dessert? Godiva Chocolate Mousse Cake, which you can only get at the italian restaurant in Chicago that disappears and only reappears every thousand years, Shangri-La style
How do you order your steak cooked (if you even eat steak, that is) I'm a VEGGIE!!
Bath or shower? Self-medicating baths
Have you bathed with anyone? practically everyone
Favorite place on earth? The moments between dreaming and waking, when you still think dreams are real
Favorite feature about yourself (physical)? chris daniels seems to like my hair
Favorite feature about yourself (mental)? Queen optimism lives in my mind
Name anything you haven’t tried that you want to: skydiving
Name something you will never do: skydiving
Favorite name for a girl? Isabella
Favorite name for a boy? trogdor
What was the last thing to absolutely amuse the shit out of you? When JD and I were at the mall yesterday and I was looking at this purple raincoat and he was trying to get me away from it and he points to the tag that says "water repellant" and goes "look, it even SAYS the coat is repellant, you dont' need a coat that ugly"
List 5 uses for ice: 1.frozen coffee 2. frozen alcoholic drinks 3. feeding to Jd's doggie as a treat 4.preserving transplant organs 5.putting down stacey's pants for a good show
Was there a moment in your life when things could’ve gone two completely different ways? What was it? Hoo hoo, liz makes bad choices. Too many of these here to count
What is one trait you definitely get from your mother? I twirl my hair while I'm driving
What is one trait you definitely get from your father? All the rest of it
Would you rather have more intelligence, looks, or humor? I think more than anything I could use some social skills
If you could give one thing to one person, what would it be? Why? Hope to my friends who lose sight of the big picture sometimes
If you were an animal, what would you be? a phoenix, or maybe a tiger
Passions: funny or sucking? Teresa will never stop crying, so it's awesome
Favorite place to be kissed? under the moon
What is your porn name (first pet + maternal grandma’s maiden name)? Sunny Mayse
What is your drag queen name (middle name + street you live on)? Lenore Promenade
Trogdor vs. Godzilla : who would win? Trogdor, he would totally burninate everything
Meal you most frequently cook when you’re at home alone? Cereal
Favorite ice cream flavor? Cinnamon
Ideal date? Fucking....hahahah Janel's dad is going to read that
If you hadn’t chosen your current major/job, what would’ve been your second choice? Third? Making things out of construction paper, riding famously talented boyfriend's coattails
How many roommates (not family members) have you had? Who were they? 4: jd, raedy, chris, melissa
What would your ideaL vacation be? a deserted isle with a pirate and some rum
Where would you most like a gift certificate from? Irvine Rental Company
Favorite sno cone flavor? Tiger's Blood
Favorite carnival food? funnel cakes
Fave breakfast cereal? cinnamon toast crunch
How do you like your eggs? over hard (thanks mike lewis)
Skim or 2% milk? skim
Pulp or no pulp? NONE
Favorite Dinner? chocolate
Macintosh or Windows? macs---how do you guys like that new virus hahaha
Fave fabric softener? SNUGGLE!!!
Fave brand of undies? Victoria's Secret
Fave hair dye brand and name? Feria..last time i checked i was black leather
Fave shampoo? smelling good stuff
Fave toothpaste? Crest
Do you have a signature scent? i've become a whore for chanel perfume
Fave bath and body works scent? fuck you raedy
Antibacterial soap (yes or no)? no!
Fave article of clothing? my "please don't eat me, i love you" shirt with a piggy on it
what position do you sleep in? sprawled everywhere
how often do you wash your hair? every other day
Fave brand/type of condoms? trojan her pleasure, in the purple wrapper
Top 5 people you wish you were closer/still close to? the more i think about this, the more i am not going to touch it with a ten-foot pole
Worst 5 things about you? i'm a total bitch, i struggle with honesty, i get impatient when i want something bad, i'm a social retard, i burn bridges like they're going out of style
Best 5 things about you? i'll love you forever if there's a hint of a good reason, i'll never stop hoping, i'm dynamite in the sack, i'm moved to tears and other emotional extremes by music, i'm a ninja assassin
Biggest turnoff? people with long arms who can put their hand on my forehead and hold me far enough away that I can swing at them all day long and never hit
Biggest turnon? sounds: music, accents, foreign languages, noises
Do you have a list of places where you want to have sex? since i was old enough to have sex
top 5 from the sex list? your little brother's racecar bed, on a horse, in an elevator, in the butt bob (just kidding!!!!), while being roofied at a frat party
Books or movies? good books that got made into good movies
Music or tv to fall asleep? sad sad music
Morning or night person? Night
Perfect # of hours of sleep to function best? 6.5
What makes you happiest? hope
Fave guilty pleasure? sometimes i like to watch That's So Raven
Fave fantasy career? food-taster on the travel channel
cat or dog person? kitties
is the glass half empty or half full? it's half full and there's plenty to go around
worst fear? that we stop existing when we die
any near death experiences? no, unless you count almost drowning and almost car wrecking
any ghost sightings? no, goddamnnit
are you good with kids? awesome
are you good with adults? nope
beer or wine? wine
is super troopers funny? hell yes
thread count of your sheets? FUCK YOU RAEDY
do you like ethnic food? of course
spicy or mild? spicy
are you a good driver or no? apparently, i drive like a 17-year old boy
is Gap overpriced? the stuff on clearance isn't
do you get along with your parents? my mom's the BEST
your siblings? now that we don't live together, sure
what's your worst habit? being too sexy
summer or winter? yes, please, and everything in between as well
mountains or ocean? well, from my house in irvine i can see them both
sugar or salt? SUGARe
laugh or cry? laugh until i cry and then puke
do you know any good jokes? i always forget them
best pickup line? nice shoes wanna fuck
fave nail polish color? pink
are you gorgeous or just cute? i am fucking gorgeous, and so are you
what's your purpose in life? to learn to stop fucking up important relationships
what superhero do you most identify with? jean grey
what's the most attractive part of the opposite sex's body? the wanger? no, no, the eyes
should sex mean something or everything? style fucking means it all
fave book? most recently it's Glamorama
fave cartoon character? Deery-Lou
wheat or white bread? wheat
19 août, 2003
12 août, 2003
They Loved Him Up So Bad
We got a definite co-signer for our apartment if the aunt/uncle thing falls through. I heart FBI agents
I went to Mr. Burns' cookout
Got in a bar fight
Nearly won a game of serious darts
Signed up for classes
Set up my UCI email
Will now start finishing packing
Linked to Mike L's blog, check it out, it is already funny stuff. Welcome to the World of Blogging Pretention, Mike
Thus Spoke Teresita 0 Challenges To A Duel
Good stuff, you are "Wedding? I love
weddings! Drinks all around." You're the
life of the party and nothing gets you down,
not even certain death at the hands of your
zombie nemesis or the Navy. Come to think of
it, realism isn't your strong suit...
Which one of Captain Jack Sparrow's bizarre sayings from Pirates of the Caribbean are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Thus Spoke Teresita 0 Challenges To A Duel
11 août, 2003
People Acting Like They Ain't Got No Mamas
Shane: Way to own it. I am seriously impressed.
Jenny: Happy Birthday. Welcome to adulthood, sort of.
So I was in Evansville Saturday night and Sunday to move shit home, also for Jenny's birthday festivities, and it was a good time. I'm freaking out less about the apartment situation (hopefully we'll have something tacked down by tomorrow at the latest) and about the money situation, thanks to my mom's latest act of selfless financial heroism. I think we'll be able to get the apartment we want now, we're just waiting for JD's aunt and uncle to say they'll co-sign. Why does his aunt have to co-sign, instead of parents or grandparents or anyone else that would make more sense? Oh, because unless JD alone (they won't count my stipend as income, how fucked up is that) makes $3700/month and can prove it, we need a co-signer who makes FOUR TIMES RENT PER MONTH, which is about $67,000 per year. None of our parents make anywhere NEAR that. Rich grandparents are out because they don't actually have $5800 coming IN per month. So basically, if these guys say no, we are completely fucked. JD has one other relative who makes enough, but since he barely knows him, I hesitate to ask.
Oh my god. But, on the brighter side, it's the nicest "community" I've ever seen (pictures on internet, that is) and it's going to be absolutely perfect.
It's just the bullshit hoops we have to jump through....and yeah, our pro-rated August rent, First months' rent, and deposit (two months rent because we have to have a co-signer) adds up to FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS we're going to be handing over AS SOON AS WE GET THERE. Jesus Christ.
Yeah, that's five thousand dollars that just doesn't exist. I have $62 in my checking account, soon to be depleted by checks I've written. Sigh.
However, I am not worrying about money, because as I mentioned earlier, it's going to be fine. I just thought you'd all want to hear how hilariously expensive moving there is going to be for us. Then there's car insurance, cell phones, JD's student loan payments, credit card debt, utilities, etc.
Welcome to the real world, Liz. Deal with it.
In other news, I am beginning my super-crazed cleaning frenzy in a completely vain attempt to retrieve as much of my security deposit from this apartment as possible. Wednesday, JD's dad is coming back up here with his truck to grab the rest of our shit, and then we'll be out Friday. SO, after camping, we'll be in Evansville until the 22nd. Ahem. Call me.
Anyway, don't have much else to say. I'm killing time and holding my breath hoping someone calls someone about the fucking co-signing of the fucking apartment, and the depositing of the check thing for it, blah blah blah. Cross-o your el fingers
Thus Spoke Teresita 0 Challenges To A Duel
08 août, 2003
Goodbye Sunshine
I can't think of a lamer thing than to be awake right now, 7am, went to bed at 3 something, had really "vivid" dreams thanks to my still being somewhat drunk, and I'm waiting for Raedy to leave because she is moving to Chicago today and I have to say goodbye.
Actually, she is scheduled to leave in 40 minutes, and I figured that waking up conveniently now in between alcohol-induced nightmares was my best bet, so I'm killing time.
So this week has been another awesome one...I kind of hate that everybody waits until the clock is audibly ticking to start pulling out the stops and having a good time (most people)
I am broker than I've ever actually been in my life at a time where I need money more completely and desperately than I ever have before.
I finally figured out how I wanted the Karaoke Dvd so those of you who have requested copies may provide me with US$3.00 or so next time you see me or upon my having an address (hopefully that will be SOON) and I will in turn provide you with the Coolest Thing Since Sliced Bread. Raedy and Melissa approve of it, you will laugh hysterically at yourselves. And then harder at my awesome dance moves.
We had the last bout of hapkido belt testing last night, which was bittersweet...as is absolutely everything these days. I feel like I could've and should've done so much more for the program, and I wish I would be around more to give something better back, and that I had TA'd a class or two like I considered doing last spring, and that I didn't just get a black belt and leave the program....not necessarily to stop hapkido, but certainly any training JD or I do in California will have to be slightly different.
OK, it's like 10am now, Raedy's gone. Poo. I don't yet want to deal with it, or with all this crap where we all grow up and move away. Piss on this. Not like I won't see a lot of Raedy in the future, but it's still not cool, it was so much fun being roommates/labmates/emotional breakdownmates with her. But like I said, I can't deal with it yet.
Just went to breakfast with Melissa, JD, and Eric (sic) from hapkido, who was coming out of his friend's house across the parking lot as Melissa and I sat sniveling out on the porch right after Raedy left. How weird, to run into people you know and go hang out, all before 9am.
So Thursday night Raedy and I hung out with two of the girls from the lab that are the coolest, and we all had a good time...I'll miss everybody so fucking much. This kind of blows. You guys all know how pitiful I am at making friends with people I don't know. I hate to leave. Especially, oh, because we don't have an apartment.
So my time in the lab is more or less over, Hakako unceremoniously cancelled her lunch date this week with me and Raedy to say goodbye and instead left "presents" for us on the table. Eddie Bauer travel mugs. Yep. Sigh.
Ok, I'm done feeling like writing. JD and I will be coming and going through Evansville and back this weekend, moving things and borrowing JD's dad's truck, so gimme a call if you're bored or whatnot
Thus Spoke Teresita 0 Challenges To A Duel
03 août, 2003
A Teardrop Kissed Your Lips And So Did I
Well, JD and I almost died this evening. And for those of you who are familiar with things called "exit points," let's just say JD had one of his five tonight.
So we're coming back to Bloomington from Eville, and it's dark and we're having a normal conversation, I'm watching the road as usual, nothing's all that weird. Then, BLAMMO, there's a raccoon, not IN the road but he's just on the edge of the right-hand shoulder, and without really thinking I go to swerve a tiny bit around him, even though we weren't going to hit him and it wasn't necessary.
And as I swerve left and then quickly back right, I completely lose control of the car. It didn't even feel like I was driving it. So we go extremely right and I try to correct to the left and the whole time I'm braking, but it's not helping anything...so we're swerving back and forth and then we're heading for the ditch on the right side of the road, which is not a good option, but it's the ditch or an oncoming truck, and just before we go into the ditch I swerve to the left, and the truck is RIGHT THERE and something catches one of the wheels and we pivot 180 degrees ON A FUCKING DIME, so while JD could have feasibly gone right into the truck we instead end up perfectly centered in the northbound lane, facing the wrong way but completely stopped, completely fine, and the truck whizzes by
Hmmm. Now, some of you are tut-tutting and shaking your heads, going "well if liz didn't drive like a seventeen year old boy, she wouldn't have these problems" but I have swerved to avoid things before, was NOT speeding, and have never felt so much like I wasn't the one driving the car. The best part, in hindsight, was that as we were careening back toward the truck, fishtailing around into what should have been certain doom, JD goes "we're fine" in this totally calm voice
Hahaha. So. That happened super fucking fast. I thought we were going to flip over, crash into a ditch, and then smash into a truck, killing all of us. Everyone be a little more careful while driving in the next few weeks, ok? Food for thought.
I swear something picked the car up and set it gently down facing the other way. I wish I had a video of it. It was straight out of a movie. No one tell my mom.
In other news, I had a good weekend. Thanks mom Jenny Mike Ashleigh Casino Aztar dark rum mom's birthday jd's mom the storage shed melissa and kyle.
stace, dvds are a couple bucks. i'll get that compiled asap. for ash too.
Love you guys. Thanks for all the supportive comments and posties. Also, let's all take a moment to reflect on how fleeting this all is
Thus Spoke Teresita 0 Challenges To A Duel
02 août, 2003
It's not a Lion, it's a Giraffe
JD and I'll be coming home today, expect us in the early afternoon...we'll leave here just as soon as I can take a nice shower and load my car up with things that I've already packed.
This week has been awesome....briefly, Kyle was in town for a We the People conference the whole week, so he's been here and there. Saw 28 Days Later with Mike and Jenny while they were in town, it was awesome, the coolest part being a Godspeed song played in almost its entirety, then the four of us went to Steak N Shake. Thursday and Friday have been the coolest days in the majority of my existence....Thursday was me 'n Raedy's going away lunch at Siam House, wherein the grad students gave us advice for grad school like "don't go" and they gave us the new APA publication manual as a present (bad-ASS) and it was nice and sappy. Then later, JD and I were to go to Bear's and watch Janiece sing Jazz Fables, which is a big deal but we'd never gone to before because it costs money. However, Janiece is Mr. Burns' wife, and they wanted JD to record the show, so we got in free and it KICKED ASS. She is unbelievably cute and sweet and talented. And I sat right by her mom, who must be like 80 but seems about 45. Also the cutest, sweetest person in the world. So then after, they invited us to go to dinner with them, which was also with the guitarist Janiece sang with, Marcos C (I'll spell it wrong and also I dont' wann get googled, but he's FAAAAAMOUS and from Brazil) and the trumpet professor who coordinates the whole shebang. So we went to Lennie's, a traditional place her in town I'd never bothered with, and it was AWESOME, and better yet was the ridiculously knowledgeable music conversation that ensued, and I felt like I was ten yeas old and out withmy dad, but in a really good way, not in a childish way. It was SO NICE to be in the presence of great musicians all talking about interesting things. Marcos is especially chatty, and such a sweetie, and kept telling stories about the political oppression in Brazil and how the people communicated through song with each other under the strictest censorship. Wow. Also, he had seen part of my black belt test, and he and Janiece were oh-so-complementary about it (and then Mr. Burns, sensing our hesitation to be like "thanks!" when they said nice things, gruffly was like "you had a good test, liz, you both had good tests, really") and that was AWESOME. And so far, the two coolest comments have been people pointing out how awesome it is that JD and I beat the crap out of each other but would get up and smile at the one doing the throwing, so you could tell we were having fun, and second, Raedy said I looked just like a ninja, but then she amended that to say I looked just like a Mortal Kombat character, which was even more flattering. Hahahahahahaha.
So that evening of intellectual discussion and fascinating stories stretched longer than I could've dreamed, and we were supposed to go to a party at Ben's house but sat around talking about music until we fell asleep instead.
Friday JD wanted me to meet him for lunch in between is classes so I did and we went to Cafe Django, which was ALSO AWESOME and had nice spicy curry and ice tea that is the bomb. And then we walked around Kirkwood looking for a chocolate shop and finally found one very far away and bought some delicious things. Then it was too late for him to go to class so we went home and ate the chocolate and he got rid of his shift at work and we ran some errands and then Kyle called and we picked him up from campus (he might be going here next spring, how delightful is that) and went to get mom a birthday present and then we met Melissa at Opie Taylor's for dinner and then walked to Jiffy Treat for ice cream and then came home and Melissa wanted to watch karaoke party, which have I mentioned is HILARIOUS, and then I made everyone watch What Not to Wear because it is my favorite show and if you guys wanna nominate me for it, that would be fine.
Anyway, it's been a great week. I didn't mean to write this much.....I have to go shower....I'll be in Eville today and tomorrow, although tomorrow is mom's b-day so if you wanna hang out call me today
Thus Spoke Teresita 0 Challenges To A Duel