So I went home this weekend, yeah, and everyone who looks at this already heard all about it, but for the sake of providence here we go again
I cannot stop listening to Rent, and to that Kylie Minogue song. You know, the I just can't get you out of my head, boy your lovin' is all i think about i just can't get you out of my head, boy it's more than i care to think about la la la la la la la la la la la la la la l just can't get you out of my head....etc song.
Kings to me
or is it king's to me?
Friday night I came into town and STACEY CALLED because she had sneakily come home just to surprise me:) and she and my MOM and I went to the LATE show of Panic Room, because my mom thinks Jodie Foster is "just amazing, a top-notch actress." And even though it went until 11:30, she stayed awake! It was so cute to have her out in public with us, I thought it was hilarious
And then I dropped her off and Stacey and I met Toni and Dustin and Shane at IHop, which if you think about it, since I never really hang out with those people, was kind of strange, but I laughed a LOT, and i had a lot of fun even though I felt quite bad for Shane, who seemed to be used to the way Stacey and Dustin ganged up on him. Then again, I'm way meaner (and Dustin pointed this out to my face, which was hilarious in it's own right) so what could I do, hahahaha. Besides, he took it like a man, no sniveling or screwing up his face like he was going to squirt a few, so I suppose it's all in fun
I heard some fucked up stories, though. Tim Lockridge proclaiming himself the "Voltron of Fuck" while drunk, a billion other stories, I heard Dustin's Ka-Ka-Ka laugh for actual instead of Shane's impression, and it was a fucking nice time all around
So thanks to any of you who were there who might be reading this
And Saturday was Mormon time, which wasn't all that mormony or weird, other than me feeling a little bit awkward around an aunt I'd never met before.
So yeah.
And THEN there was the IU game, which KICKED ASS
Did you all watch it? I'll assume you did, or at least you heard about how awesome it was. We're totally going to win the whole thing. I can feel it. Maryland has no chance against our bombass team. I'm in love with AJ Moye. So yeah, we won, by like 7 points, and it was awesome. I can't wait until tomorrow night. I'm going to be planted in front of the tv all night
and then I'm going to go riot with the rest of the student body when we win
And today was more JD family time, my mom went over to Mike's with Jenny for lunch, and I went to JD's. It was good and fun and since we made awesome choc.chip cookies last night it was even better
And now I'm home again and updating so I can focus on homework, hopefully, and the fact that it won't be March anymore after tonight (YAY!!! I'm sick to death of this month, nothing but crap all around has come of it) and everything can officially stop sucking. and did you notice? It looks like spring, at least it does here, and I am thrilled. It's about damn time, weather, shit
I decided that I am shallow for thinking material things make me feel better about shit. I mean, they do for a few hours or days, but things don't ever matter. I'm just glad I have so many people who care about me around to listen to me whine and bitch when I need to. I love all you guys, you're so great. even though Stacey's the only one who reads this:) I especially love people who read this:) hahahahahahah
I was thinking for karaoke party/dinner party night we could put on a small-scale production of Rent, since I am so obsessed with it. Stace, let me know what you think, but I'm seeing you as Maureen, Shane as Mark (you'll have to teach him to sing), I wanna be Mimi of course, I'm such a snot, Jd wants to be Roger (or collins) and I think Chris Daniels should be Benny. teeheehee. Everyone else I couldn't decide about, and if you'd rather be Mimi that's fine. I just think we should organize practices. And choreograph things. I think it would kick ass, then we could videotape it when we perform
Just think about it
Or Moulin rouge, I'm flexible
I've had enough updating with nothing new to read on Stacey's site. I'm going to go do my homework shit, and then do something fun. I don't know what.
31 mars, 2002
29 mars, 2002
Oh dear, oh dear dear dear hahahahahahahahahah,
Oh my my my
Take the Affliction Test Today!
Thus Spoke Teresita 0 Challenges To A Duel
Sweet. I had to take that thing eight times before it would admit I was like Jennifer Connelly, but BLADOW
There it is
Thus Spoke Teresita 0 Challenges To A Duel
I had a crazy dream this morning.
I wasn't IN the dream, I was just watching, but at times I was kind of IN it too. It was about mobsters, and these two bumbling spies who had infiltrated the mob and were trying to eavesdrop. And all the action took place on a big front porch with a screened-in area behind it, closed off by two huge carved wooden doors. The spies hid in there, and of course at some point they made too much noise and the bad guys found them hiding there. then they wanted to kill the guy who had known the spies were there because he hadn't told them, and he was a nice old man with two dogs, one of whom was clearly deaf and understood sign language. So the man turned the care of the other dog over to the spies, and then instructed the deaf dog in sign language that the spies would be their new owners now, since the mafia only wanted to kill the old man, and the dog got really sad
And then I woke up
I'm going home for the weekend after school today, so I don't know if I'll bother updating. No one's reading this slop anyway:) Just me and sometimes Stacey. It's like a big rambling email to Stacey
Hahaha, I love it
So I need to get going, lab stuff to do, natch
For everyone who will be in B-ton on April 17th, my sister is getting inducted into some honor frat or something and has requested my prescence, and I would love a date (think on it)
I think that's about all
WATCH THE IU GAME, it's going to kick so much ass
Thus Spoke Teresita 0 Challenges To A Duel
28 mars, 2002
The Completely Pointless Personality Quiz
Hahahahahahaha, I am such a loser
So we have some news to report!
first, I just talked to Dave and there is a show with his band, whose name I can't spell, on April 27th. This is a SATURDAY, which means that everyone should be off work or class and driving home for it. Also, since the week immediately after is Finals, at least for IU, and I only have one and it's on Thursday, I will be home for at least 4 or 5 days that week, which will count as my summer vacation. Summer session 1 starts here on May 7th, piss.
So everyone come out and see them
Also, the more Stacey and I bounce dinner party ideas off each other the better it's sounding, so everyone can start writing mass emails about it sometime soon. Ahem, Stace, I nominate you
So far, we've all got to submit our Very Favorite Meal to Stacey just so she knows, and maybe we'll make the dinner party out of that, or something. And there's a website about X-rated origami that is hilarious and has some really good ideas, so we'll want to try that stuff before dinner. And then, after, I think nothing compares to some old fashioned Karaoke Party, which for those of you who have never tried it and think I'm dorky for saying that, is really awesome. You'll all like it fine, I promise. I thought it would be stupid and I like it fine
So I have had a long ass day of sitting around and watching passions, and I will have an uneventful night of watching friends and er, and probably eating pizza and ice cream
because that's what I do on Thursday
And this is getting boringer than I can handle quickly, so everyone have a good night. I'll try to find out how to put comments and better links on here soon, I swear
Peace out
AND EVERYONE WATCH IU ROCK THE FINAL FOUR IN SATURDAY'S GAME, which starts at 6 B-ton time or 5 Eville time. No excuses!!!
Thus Spoke Teresita 0 Challenges To A Duel
I'm the Half-Naked Hot Tub Luvah!
Take the Jimmy Fallon recurring SNL character quiz here.
created by
Thus Spoke Teresita 0 Challenges To A Duel
27 mars, 2002
Ohhhhh, dilly did i spend a pretty chunk of change tonight.
I went shopping, and I had a mental list of things I wanted but certainly could do without, and I think I crossed every single frivolous thing off the list. Nothing like spending money you don't have to make you feel euphoric.
So chris and Jd and I went to Macri's, which is an eating place, and then to the mall, which sucks unless you have an agenda. I wanted new tennis shoes and a new watch and to finally settle my Great Perfume Debate and this stuff from Bath and Body Works, and a journal.
So I got all of that and a whole shitload more, but I am thrilled to pieces with my purchases and refuse to feel guilty about any of it. Let's go through these things one by one. Teehee
So the bath stuff is fucking awesome, it's part of their aromatherapy line and it's bergamot coriander, as weird as that sounds, and I think it's the greatest thing I've ever smelled, after my perfume, which I'll rant about in a minute....hahahahahahaha, I am so weird. So it's awesome, and I wanted this sugar scrub but ended up getting some other stuff too, and I think you should all at least go out and smell it for yourselves, because it's awesome. Or if you live with me, I can just show you
And then I found my shoes, and they're cute, and I went running in them tonight so they're good...and Chris got adorable brown boy shoes
And then I found my watch!!! I've wanted one of those BabyG things for awhile, but they're like 80 bucks and I can't be ok with that, but I found one on clearance for some reason (probably because it's from last season) and it was super cheap and it's awesome. And then in the same foul swoop I cracked and decided that I NEEDED perfume, which only happened because the boys I was with were encouraging me, maybe because normally I smell bad, but either way, I cracked. SO I decided on Chanel instead of the Dior, which ended up being really easy, and it's fucking awesome as well. Go smell Coco Mademoiselle if you get time, it's rad
And then we went to Target, and I showed great restraint in NOT buying a cookie jar shaped like a lion that roars, "Get your hands out my cookie jar" when you open it. And then we went to Borders, where I finally got a real actual journal, for the stuff I don't want ya'll to hear about (to have to hear about, rather)
and then we came home and i played in all my new stuff and realized that I am totally broke for the rest of my life....jeeeze, sometimes I forget how girly I can actually soothes me. And earlier tonight Melissa emailed a guy in her class and asked him out, and as she hit send, Raedy and Melissa and I all squealed in unison, like fifth graders, and it was another weird girly moment...hahahahahaha
And tomorrow I have ethics but we're supposed to be prepared to discuss an experience we've had with death with the class, and NO FUCKING WAY do I feel like doing that, and it's going to be the biggest bummer of a class anyway, and I'm not going to add to it or bother listening to anyone else, so piss on it. I think the whole premise of having to share something like that (and no, I don't think me going "pass" would fly) with strangers to garner a more healthy respect for death before we talk about it as a topic in class is bullshit, and something that personal is PERSONAL, and AARHRHRHHAHHGH
So I'm free all day except for one teensy experiment at 4. Ha
Ok, I've vented my shopping disaster story and my ethics rant, so i think I'm done.
Woohoo going to evansville for easter, everyone should go to evansville for easter
Thus Spoke Teresita 0 Challenges To A Duel
26 mars, 2002
So I already understand why everyone has one of these therapeutic online bitch pages. It might have just been me feeling super pleased with myself for figuring out a couple miniscule HTML things yesterday, or that I feel like everything's getting better one thing at a time anyway, or something else unrelated to this, but I feel like, at the very least, i can clear my head of the everyday bullshit that prevents me from getting at the things that are really really bugging me. If I can get all the boring useless crap out here instead of wading through that every time I want to think about ANYTHING in my life, this'll be worth it.
So aren't you guys in for a treat. hahahahahahah, ahah ahah aha. Siiiiigh
I can't stop listening to the Rent soundtrack. Don't ask me why, I was never into it when it was really popular, I haven't seen it. But the soundtrack has fallen into my hands (maybe it was the Karaoke version of Take Me As I Am by Stacey and JD that did it) and it's been on repeat for something like 763 hours straight now. the stupid thing gets in your head for days at a time. It's nice, though, uplifting.
So some of you may have noticed (or had me complain directly to you) that I have been a little stressed, or moody, or uncharacteristically mopey and pessimistic lately, especially last week. Some of you (who shall remain nameless but whose name starts with a J and rhymes with Blarrod) have even accused me of making booty calls when in reality, I was truly upset and not "looking for a good sausaging," as you put it. Anyway, I'm feeling better, I had one of those weeks where Everything in the Whole World sucked hardcore and you just Knew it was all your fault and there wasn't even anything you could do about it to help, and it kind of snuck up on me. Maybe it was coming off the high of Disneyworld and realizing that real life isn't like spring break. I am sick of school, that doesn't help, I am sick of damage control for stupid things I've said and done--you all know by now that I am sarcastic and bitchy, but that I don't mean to hurt anyone's feelings, right? 90% of the time whatever I say that gets at you is unintentional. I feel like my foot's been permanently attached in my throat these days, and everything I say to everyone is wrong and ....blah
I am sick of worrying about my mom, even though she doesn't need it. She didn't get into the grad program for music performance here, which was kind of a nasty shock for all of us (she's really good), but she's way less bothered by it than Jenny or me. She thinks its just because she told them basically that she doesn't WANT to do performance, but that's the closest thing they offer to chamber music, which they'll begin offering advanced degrees in in a few years. It might be better if she reapplies when that's being offered and she could really specialize in what she likes...but like I said, the important thing is how she's dealing with it, and she seemed to shake it right off. She's got this big trip about things happening for reasons, and one door opening when another closes, blah blah. I think that's awesome, considering how much shit she's dealt with in her life. And she's not even the most optimistic person, at all. I think she taught herself to think like that. It gives me hope for all the pessimistic, hateful people out there who don't realize how much they're missing out on in life.
yeah, so I'm feeling a billion times better. It was nice to go visit Stacey this weekend, I think I laughed more when I was there than I had the whole month before.
I love my roommates. I don't think I tell them that enough, but DAMN I like living here. I like that at the height of my mopey spell last week, when all I wanted to do was sit down and write mopey things in my journal, Chris came bounding in and flopped on my bed and started spewing nonsense about how he missed some people he had known in high school, and then told me a bunch of stories about them, and how he had a crush on one of them, and he kissed him while he was asleep. It was so cute. And as much as I wanted to remain in my terrible mood, he had somehow made that impossible, and I think that's when everything stopped sucking.
So things are on the up and up. jenny and I are speaking again, and nicely (ahha haha) which as some of you may know is quite an event. it had been quite awhile. My roommates are awesome, and anyone who reads this should come visit and come to Karaoke party sometime. It sounds kind of lame, I know, but it's so much fun. Ask Stacey, she's always good. Plus, we haven't had one in awhile and we're due. You're all invited, of course.
I'm going to Evansville this weekend. yawn.
Ok, I'm done typing for tonight.
Thus Spoke Teresita 0 Challenges To A Duel
25 mars, 2002
I'm the world's most boring person. And a huge dork, because I decided today that I wanted to make a blog and I've been giddy with excitement ever since. As you're probably noticing right now, my blog SUCKS so far, I am computer-stupid and it will probably take me many moons hahahahahah to get it "just so."
So what the crap do you write about? My life's not nearly as interesting as Stacey's, and it's (although I'm really really stretching to make it this way) not as melodramaculous as Shane's, so I guess I'll have to settle for spilling the boring details of my boring life
Haha, too bad for you guys
So first of all, welcome to my new boring waste of time page, I promise I'll try to learn something about HTML so we're not all pissed off at me all the time
And what have I been up to?? Well, I'm so thrilled you asked:
School sucks and is kicking my ass. I can't figure out if it's just because I'm bored and hate all my classes or I've gone retarded. Either would be fine by me. I have a 2.5 hour long "seminar" called Lethality:Homicide and Self-Destruction that's only on Mondays, and boy did it suck hard tonight. It sounds like it would be at least sort of interesting, but NO, we run out of stuff to talk about 15 minutes in and spend the rest of the time going around the room and "sharing" which means one person making something up and then 24 more people going "yeah that's what I thought too."
Good Gravy that class sucks.
Then tomorrow I have bioethics, also misleading with its interesting-sounding title. She (a former bioethicist-cum hahahahahahah-philosopher) teaches the class like it's Kindergarten and, as I just discovered thanks to her waiting until the day after the last day to drop a class with a "W" to hand back the midterm, she grades like a fucking ethics Nazi. SO PISS ON SCHOOL
All my other classes blur together in a mess of boring hippie feminism slop that I can't bring myself to digest...sigh. I just don't care about any of them except hapkido, and I'm sucking in that too. I have a feeling the purple belt test is creeping up really fast and I am completely with my pants down, if you will, as far as being prepared.
So that sucks.
Oh, and then there's the lab I work in for credit, which I'm sure you'll hear LOTS about, so I'll just bring you up to speed on the characters.
Myself and Raedy (you've all met her, she's my roommate, dir) are what you call research assistants, meaning we're the undergrad bitch workers for our slave driver, Hanako, who has just recently (like two weeks ago) given birth to her new daughter, Yo Anne. Hanako and her husband Gen are very proud but I havent' seen her since pre-spring break because of this baby thing. Then there is Yoshie (pronounced Yo-she-ay but because she drives me nuts I say "yoshi" the cute dinosaur pal of Mario's) who is currently the absolute bane of my existance. She is another of Hanako's slaves, but I suppose that since she is stupid she feels that she shouldn't have to do as much (any) work, and is very annoyingly vocal about when she doesn't like or understand something, which is all the time, which takes time away from everyone else's life to explain things like SCIENTIFIC METHOD to her because she wants to argue with you and she prefaces EVERY sentence with "But what if, for example" in this obnoxious Persian/Japanglesh that means basically that she doesn't think she HAS to listen to you, especially when you're right, because she can't understand a word you're saying anyway. She sucks real bad. And she scares little children, which is oh-so-hilarious, because we work ONLY with little children, and thusly (hahah) Raedy and I get to do the work of twenty horses instead of only ten.
And then there's Char, the page boy haircut sporting soccer mom whose formal title is "Lab Coordinator" but means "glorified secretary" and "can't use a Mac or a PC." She's a hoot. She throws baby showers and Xmas parties and gets stinking drunk, then asks to hold the babies. She spent 15 minutes last week getting really upset that the word "suck" has become popular culture, because she thinks it's a nasty word, and she wishes people would say something nicer. She spent 20 minutes on the phone to her sick 17 year old daughter promising to rush home ASAP and make some soup, or maybe some mac and cheese, and told the daughter to make sure she doesn't have a stiff neck if she feels like throwing up, because that would mean she has meningitis. HAHAHAHAHAHA
Then there's Lorinda, and she's like Mini-Char in training, except she's actually leaving soon for grad school. Everyone else in the lab is a grad student or one of their worthless assistants (there's a reason we call Hanako a slave driver) or Linda, the professor we all toil endlessly to please.
So just in case you need to know that, uhm, yep. Refer to this from now on.
This might be getting long.
Thus Spoke Teresita 0 Challenges To A Duel
Hey Everyone!
This is my attempt at true internet dorkiness, and I hope you'll all get a big fat kick out of watching me flounder about in ineptitude. Should make for a good show, and maybe eventually I'll have as many loyal fans as Stacey. Probably not, but this sounded like a good way to piss away an entire evening, so here goes. Be patient
Thus Spoke Teresita 0 Challenges To A Duel